Acer griseum - Paper Bark Maple |
cinnamon colored bark exfoliates. tree is beautiful all seasons |
3-4" |
8-10' |
$300 b&b |
Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1' - Japanese Maple |
Hardy, distinguished by bright red foliage. |
4-5" |
10' |
$350 (in ground) |
Acer palmatum 'Inaba Shidare' - Japanese Maple |
Weeping laceleaf red maple that remains scorch resistant during summer heat. |
2-3" |
5-6' |
$300 b&b |
Acer palmatum 'Tamuke Yama' |
Spring leaf color is crimson turning to scarlet in the fall. |
2-3" |
5-6' |
$300 b&b |
Aesculus turbinata - Japanese Horse Chestnut |
A tree for an open landscape having abundant leaves, flowers and nuts. |
4" |
10' |
$390 b&b |
Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' - Red Chestnut |
Cross between A. pavia and A. hippocastanum. Dark green leaves with pink panicles. |
6" |
12' |
$395 (in ground) |
Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' |
Plant flowers white, multi-colored fruit, and red-orange fall collor |
multistem |
8' |
$230 b&b |
Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' - European Hornbeam |
Fine landscape tree good for screening. Plant growth will be horizontal as well as vertical. |
2-3" |
8' |
$230 b&b |
Chionanthus virginicus - White Fringe Tree |
Good white flower on previous year's growth, dark green leaves and black berries. |
multistem |
10' |
$300 b&b |
Cladrastis lutea - American Yellow Wood |
June flowers. Showy white panicles. |
4-5" |
10' |
$400 b&b |
Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring' |
Great plant, hearty, grows in full sun; nice flower and spectacular fall color. |
4" |
12' |
$300 b&b |
Cornus kousa var. 'Chinensis' - Kousa Dogwood |
Displays cream-colored flowers from late May through early June, followed by large red berries in autumn. This variety grows more freely and the star-shaped flowers are larger than species. |
6-8" |
12' |
$350 (in ground) |
Cornus kousa 'Mandarin Jewel' |
Dark green leaves, large white flowers. Orange fruit. Only a few plants. |
3-4" |
8-10' |
$300 b&b |
Cornus kousa 'Satomi' - Kousa Dogwood |
Bowl shaped form. Nice pink to red flowers late May. All new growth has red tips on dark green leaves. |
5-6" |
10' |
$330 (in ground) |
Cornus kousa x nuttalii 'Rosy Teacups' |
Very floriferous, light to medium pink. Good fall color. |
3" |
8' |
$295 b&b |
Cornus kousa 'Scarlet Fire' |
Individual fuschsia-colored, star-shaped bracts that do not overlap. |
2" |
8' |
$250 b&b |
Cornus kousa 'Snow Tower' |
Sturdy dogwood. Upright growth. Well suited for small area |
7' |
$250 b&b |
Cornus (Rutban) P.P. 7205 'Aurora' |
A Florida-kousa cross adding the better traits of both plants to the buyer. Erect in habit, uniform grower, large creamy white flowers and good fall color. |
6-8" |
18' |
$375 (in ground) |
Cotinus obovatus - American Smoke Tree |
Fall leaf color a fantastic red-orange; prefers neutral or alkaline soil. |
2" |
6-7' |
$195 b&b |
Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Gold' |
Columnar growth. At maturity tree will be pyramidal. Yellow-green leaves turning yellow in fall. |
8'-9' |
$345 b&b |
Fagus grandifolia - American Beech |
Imposing native tree worthy of your attention. The leaves open silver green changing to dark green then turning to golden bronze in the fall. |
3-3.5" |
8-10' |
$365 b&b |
Franklinia alatamaha - Franklinia Tree |
Small, smooth-barked tree with dark green leaves, orange-red fall color, and distinctive, five-petaled flowers with yellow stamens. |
6-7' |
$185 b&b |
Halesia tetraptera 'Carolina Silver Bell' |
White bell-shaped flowers early spring. Yellow green leaves in summer. Yellow in fall. Good example of a native American plant used as an understory plant. |
2" |
8' |
$200 b&b |
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' - Winterberry Holly |
Lustrous green leaves and large red fruit. Red berries remain firm through January. |
1.5-2" |
5-6' |
$140 b&b |
Magnolia microphylla - Ashei Magnolia |
Small magnolia with large, fragrant white flowers. |
6-7' |
$260 b&b |
Magnolia 'Daybreak' |
An upright hybrid suitable for smaller areas. The pink flowers are very fragrant, blooming later than Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia). |
5-6" |
16' |
$325 (in ground) |
Magnolia 'Tinkerbelle' |
Blooms as a young tree, often second year after planting. Flower is magenta with pale pink center. Pleasant scent. Flowers before leaves |
5-6' |
$200 b&b |
Nyssa sylvatica - Black Gum |
Vigorous grower with good branching and considerable red fall coloring. One tree available. |
5-6" |
12-14' |
$375 (in ground) |
Nyssa sylvatica 'Wild Fire' - Black Gum |
The name is descriptive of this tree that displays abundant red on a green background during the growing season. Color is spectacular when color is lacking during the heat of the summer. |
5" |
16' |
$375 (in ground) |
Oxydendron Arboreum - Sourwood |
Glossy summer foliage, white flowers on branch ends, and good fall color. Add sulfur if planting in alkaline soil. Nickname of Lily of the Valley tree |
1.5"-2" |
7-8' |
$230 b&b |
Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak |
Strong grower. Transplants well. Green leaves turning to brown-orange in the fall. |
2-3" |
7' |
$260 b&b |
Quercus x bimundorum 'Forest Knight' - Hybrid Oak |
Strong central leader developing a high canopy giving abundant shade. |
2"-2.5" |
12' |
$300 b&b |
Quercus 'Chimney Fire' - Hybrid Oak |
Columnar, exceptional fiery red fall color. |
1.5" |
7' |
$160 b&b |
Quercus 'Kindred Spirits' - Hybrid Oak |
Columnar, fast-growing oak with mildew resistant dark green leaves. |
8' |
$300 b&b |
Quercus 'Windcandle' - Hybrid Oak |
A vigorous, upright grower with good foliage. |
2" |
6' |
$130 b&b |
Quercus 'Regal Prince' - Hybrid Oak |
A nicely shaped, upright tree with a growth habit not as tight as some hybrid oaks. |
5" |
12' |
$350 (in ground) |
Quercus phellos - Willow oak |
Fast growing native oak with slender leaves |
2-3" |
10' |
$300 b&b |
Stewartia pseudocamellia |
Camellia-like flowers during summer. Interesting patches on bark. |
3-3.5" |
14' |
$300 b&b |
Styrax obassia - Fragrant Snowbell |
. White flowers in May on long arching branches extending outward. |
3-4" |
12' |
$300 b&b |