Acer griseum – Paper Bark Maple
$350.00 ball & burlap; larger trees in groundcinnamon colored bark exfoliates. tree is beautiful all seasons. Large caliper 5″ – 6″ with height 12′ – 14′. Smaller caliper 3″ – 4″ with height 8′ – 10′ b&b
Acer palmatum ‘Emperor 1’ – Japanese Maple
$375.00 in groundHardy, distinguished by bright red foliage. Height 10′ – 12′; width 5′ -6′; caliper 4″ – 5″
Acer palmatum ‘Inaba Shidare’ – Japanese Maple
$375.00 ball & burlapWeeping laceleaf red maple that remains scorch resistant during summer heat. lace-like foliage that emerges deep purple in spring, matures to purple-red by summer and finally turns bright red in fall. Height 5′ – 6′; width 4′ – 5′
Acer palmatum ‘Tamuke Yama’
$375.00 ball & burlapSpring leaf color is crimson turning to a darker red in the fall. Height 5′ – 6′; width 4′ – 5′
Aesculus turbinata – Japanese Horse Chestnut
$400.00A tree for an open landscape having abundant leaves, flowers and nuts.
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ – Red Chestnut
$400.00 in groundSlightly smaller than Aesculus x carnea, with larger flower clusters and deeper red flower color in mid spring. Less susceptible to fungal disease than other Aesculus.
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’
$230.00 ball & burlap -
Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ – European Hornbeam
$370.00 in groundFine landscape tree good for screening. trunk has smooth, gray bark, looking like muscles. Sometimes call “the muscle tree.” No serious insect disease problems. Caliper 2″-3″, height 8′ $290 b&b. Caliper 4″ – 5″; height 12′-14′ $350 in ground
Carpinus caroliniana ‘Wisconsin Red’ – American hornbeam
$75.00 ball & burlap -
Chionanthus virginicus – White Fringe Tree
$350.00 ball and burlapA native plant.Good white flower on previous year’s growth, dark green leaves and black berries much loved by birds and wildlife. Comes in male and female tho both will flower. Multi stemmed.
height 8′ – 10′ -
Cladrastis lutea – American Yellow Wood
$400.00 in groundJune flowers. Showy white panicles. yellow fall color. caliper 4″ – 5″; height 10′ – 12′ In ground
Cornus (Rutban) P.P. 7205 ‘Aurora’
$375.00 in groundA Florida-kousa cross adding the better traits of both plants. Erect in habit, uniform grower, large creamy white flowers and good fall color. Attractive shades of purple in autumn.