Cornus kousa ‘Snow Tower’
$250.00 ball & burlapSturdy dogwood. Upright growth. Well suited for small area, easy to mow under. caliper 2″; height 6′ – 7′
Cornus kousa var. ‘Chinensis’ – Kousa Dogwood
$400.00 in groundDisplays cream-colored flowers from late May through early June, followed by large red berries in autumn. This variety grows more freely and the star-shaped flowers are larger than species. caliper 6″ ;height 12′
Cornus kousa x nuttalii ‘Rosy Teacups’
$320.00 ball & burlapVery floriferous, light to medium pink. Burgundy fall color. Caliper 3″; height 8′ – 10′
Cotinus obovatus – American Smoke Tree
$250.00 ball & burlapThe American smoketree. bloom in May and June, and the spent flower clusters are covered in billowy hairs that turn a smoky-pink or purplish-pink color in summer. Fall leaf color a fantastic red-orange; prefers neutral or alkaline soil. caliper 2″ – 2 1/2″; height 7′ – 8′
Fagus grandifolia – American Beech
$230.00 in groundImposing native tree worthy of your attention. The leaves open silver green changing to dark green then turning to golden bronze in the fall. caliper 2″; height 8′ $230 b&b. caliper 3″, 10′-12′ $290 b&b. 5″ 12′ $300 in ground
Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’
$320.00 ball & burlap -
Franklinia alatamaha – Franklinia Tree
$210.00 ball & burlapSmall, smooth-barked tree with dark green leaves, orange-red fall color, and distinctive, five-petaled flowers with yellow stamens in August. caliper 1 – 1 1/2″; height 6′-8′
Halesia tetraptera ‘Carolina Silver Bell’
$300.00 ball & burlap -
Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’ – Winterberry Holly
$140.00 ball & burlapLustrous green leaves and large red fruit. Red berries remain firm through January. Robins, waxwings, mockingbirds, blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves, grouse, bobwhite, and wild turkey will consume
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Gold Beacon’ – Sweetgum
$180.00 ball & burlap -
Magnolia ‘Daybreak’
$345.00 in groundAn upright hybrid suitable for smaller areas. The pink flowers are very fragrant, blooming later than Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia). caliper 5″ – 6″; height 16′-18′ Price in ground
Magnolia ‘Tinkerbelle’
$200.00 ball & burlapBlooms as a young tree, often second year after planting. Flower is magenta with pale pink center. Pleasant scent. Flowers before leaves .caliper 1″ 5′ $200 b&b caliper 1 1/2″; height 6′-8′ $260 b&b
Magnolia microphylla – Ashei Magnolia
$250.00 ball & burlapSmall magnolia with large, fragrant white flower. Small tree, around 15′ tall. The flowers are cup-shaped, up to 10 inches in size, and have 6–8 petals. They are fragrant and have purple at the base. The tree blooms from March to June caliper 1 3/4 “; ‘ 6′-8’
Nyssa sylvatica – Black Gum
$390.00Vigorous grower with good branching and considerable red fall coloring. One tree available. caliper 6″; height 14′-16′
Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wild Fire’ – Black Gum
$380.00 in groundThe name is descriptive of this tree that displays abundant red on a green background during the growing season. Color is spectacular when is otherwise lacking during color the heat of the summer.
caliper 5″-6″; height 16′ -
Oxydendron Arboreum – Sourwood
$265.00 ball & burlapGlossy summer foliage, white flowers on branch ends, and good fall color. Add sulfur if planting in alkaline soil. Nickname of Lily of the Valley tree caliper 2″; height 7′-8′ b&b