Showing 17–32 of 41 results

  • Placeholder

    Cornus kousa ‘Snow Tower’

    $250.00 ball & burlap

    Sturdy dogwood. Upright growth. Well suited for small area, easy to mow under. caliper 2″; height 6′ – 7′

  • Placeholder

    Cornus kousa var. ‘Chinensis’ – Kousa Dogwood

    $400.00 in ground

    Displays cream-colored flowers from late May through early June, followed by large red berries in autumn. This variety grows more freely and the star-shaped flowers are larger than species. caliper 6″ ;height 12′

  • Cornus kousa x nuttalii ‘Rosy Teacups’

    $320.00 ball & burlap

    Very floriferous, light to medium pink. Burgundy fall color. Caliper 3″; height 8′ – 10′

  • Cotinus obovatus – American Smoke Tree

    $250.00 ball & burlap

    The American smoketree. bloom in May and June, and the spent flower clusters are covered in billowy hairs that turn a smoky-pink or purplish-pink color in summer. Fall leaf color a fantastic red-orange; prefers neutral or alkaline soil. caliper 2″ – 2 1/2″; height 7′ – 8′

  • Placeholder

    Fagus grandifolia – American Beech

    $230.00 in ground

    Imposing native tree worthy of your attention. The leaves open silver green changing to dark green then turning to golden bronze in the fall. caliper 2″; height 8′ $230 b&b.   caliper 3″, 10′-12′ $290 b&b.  5″  12′   $300 in ground

  • Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’

    $320.00 ball & burlap
  • Placeholder

    Franklinia alatamaha – Franklinia Tree

    $210.00 ball & burlap

    Small, smooth-barked tree with dark green leaves, orange-red fall color, and distinctive, five-petaled flowers with yellow stamens in August. caliper 1 – 1 1/2″; height 6′-8′

  • Halesia tetraptera ‘Carolina Silver Bell’

    $300.00 ball & burlap
  • Placeholder

    Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’ – Winterberry Holly

    $140.00 ball & burlap

    Lustrous green leaves and large red fruit. Red berries remain firm through January. Robins, waxwings, mockingbirds, blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves, grouse, bobwhite, and wild turkey will consume

  • Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Gold Beacon’ – Sweetgum

    $180.00 ball & burlap
  • Magnolia ‘Daybreak’

    $345.00 in ground

    An upright hybrid suitable for smaller areas. The pink flowers are very fragrant, blooming later than Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia). caliper 5″ – 6″; height 16′-18′ Price in ground

  • Placeholder

    Magnolia ‘Tinkerbelle’

    $200.00 ball & burlap

    Blooms as a young tree, often second year after planting. Flower is magenta with pale pink center. Pleasant scent. Flowers before leaves  .caliper 1″ 5′  $200 b&b caliper 1 1/2″; height 6′-8′  $260 b&b

  • Magnolia microphylla – Ashei Magnolia

    $250.00 ball & burlap

    Small magnolia with large, fragrant white flower. Small tree, around 15′ tall. The flowers are cup-shaped, up to 10 inches in size, and have 6–8 petals. They are fragrant and have purple at the base. The tree blooms from March to June caliper 1 3/4 “; ‘ 6′-8’

  • Placeholder

    Nyssa sylvatica – Black Gum


    Vigorous grower with good branching and considerable red fall coloring. One tree available. caliper 6″; height 14′-16′

  • Placeholder

    Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wild Fire’ – Black Gum

    $380.00 in ground

    The name is descriptive of this tree that displays abundant red on a green background during the growing season. Color is spectacular when is otherwise lacking during color the heat of the summer.
    caliper 5″-6″; height 16′

  • Oxydendron Arboreum – Sourwood

    $265.00 ball & burlap

    Glossy summer foliage, white flowers on branch ends, and good fall color. Add sulfur if planting in alkaline soil. Nickname of Lily of the Valley tree caliper 2″; height 7′-8′ b&b