Showing 25–36 of 40 results

  • Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Gold Beacon’ – Sweetgum

    $180.00 ball & burlap
  • Magnolia ‘Daybreak’

    $345.00 in ground

    An upright hybrid suitable for smaller areas. The pink flowers are very fragrant, blooming later than Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia). caliper 5″ – 6″; height 16′-18′ Price in ground

  • Placeholder

    Magnolia ‘Tinkerbelle’

    $200.00 ball & burlap

    Blooms as a young tree, often second year after planting. Flower is magenta with pale pink center. Pleasant scent. Flowers before leaves  .caliper 1″ 5′  $200 b&b caliper 1 1/2″; height 6′-8′  $260 b&b

  • Magnolia microphylla – Ashei Magnolia

    $250.00 ball & burlap

    Small magnolia with large, fragrant white flower. Small tree, around 15′ tall. The flowers are cup-shaped, up to 10 inches in size, and have 6–8 petals. They are fragrant and have purple at the base. The tree blooms from March to June caliper 1 3/4 “; ‘ 6′-8’

  • Placeholder

    Nyssa sylvatica – Black Gum


    Vigorous grower with good branching and considerable red fall coloring. One tree available. caliper 6″; height 14′-16′

  • Placeholder

    Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wild Fire’ – Black Gum

    $380.00 in ground

    The name is descriptive of this tree that displays abundant red on a green background during the growing season. Color is spectacular when is otherwise lacking during color the heat of the summer.
    caliper 5″-6″; height 16′

  • Oxydendron Arboreum – Sourwood

    $265.00 ball & burlap

    Glossy summer foliage, white flowers on branch ends, and good fall color. Add sulfur if planting in alkaline soil. Nickname of Lily of the Valley tree caliper 2″; height 7′-8′ b&b

  • Quercus ‘Kindred Spirit’ – Hybrid Oak

    $360.00 ball & burlap

    Columnar, fast-growing oak with mildew resistant dark green leaves. Hybrid of swamp oak and columnar english oak. Bred to be powdery mildew resistant. Does produce acorns. The very narrow Kindred Spirit oak is a more recent cultivar derived from the Regal Prince. caliper 4″; height 8′ – 12′  Also available caliper 5″, 10′-12′ $400 b&b

  • Quercus ‘Regal Prince’ – Hybrid Oak

    $320.00 caliper 5"-6" in ground; caliper 1 1/2" ball and burlap

    A nicely shaped, upright tree with a growth habit not as tight as some hybrid oaks. The Regal Prince Oak is notable for its resistance to powdery mildew and borers, strong vertical, columnar form, and tolerance to wind and ice. Holds its dense, fastigiate form into old age. Cross between swamp oak and English oak. Ball and burlap $170. 2 1/2″ dbh. 6′-8′ Also available 5″ dbh, 12′-14′ in ground

  • Placeholder

    Quercus ‘Chimney Fire’ – Hybrid Oak

    $175.00 ball & burlap

    Columnar, exceptional fiery red fall color. caliper 21/2″, height 8′

  • Quercus ‘Windcandle’ – Hybrid Oak

    $350.00 caliper 5" in ground; caliper 2" ball and burlap

    A vigorous, upright grower with good foliage. Growth habit is narrow, leaves are small, shiny. Ball and burlap $160, caliper2″, height 6′. In ground caliper 5″, height 8′

  • Quercus bicolor – Swamp White Oak

    $295.00 ball & burlap

    Strong grower. Transplants well. Green leaves turning to brown-orange in the fall. caliper 2 1/2″  height 8′-10′ $295 b&b.  Also 3″ height 10′  $320 b&b