Quercus phellos – Willow oak
$320.00 ball & burlapFast growing native oak with slender leaves. caliper 2.5″ – 3″; height 10′
Quercus robur x Quercus alba ‘Tabor’ – ‘Forest Knight’ – Hybrid Oak
$340.00 ball & burlapStrong central leader developing a high canopy giving abundant shade: uniform, strong branching, mildew resistant foliage and red-orange fall color. caliper 2 1/2″, height 10′-12′ $180 b&b. caliper 4-5″, height 12′-14′ for $360 in ground
Stewartia pseudocamellia
$300.00 ball & burlapCamellia-like flowers during summer. Interesting patches on bark. caliper 3″ – 3.5″; height 14′
Styrax obassia – Fragrant Snowbell
$370.00 in ground. White flowers in May on long arching branches extending outward. caliper 4″- 4 1/2″; height 12′