Buxus sempervirens ‘Dee Runk’ (Boxwood)
$185.00 ball & burlapA conical grower and considered to be be the best of upright boxwood. 18″ wide; 4′-6′ height
Callicarpa dichotoma ‘Purple Giant’ – Beauty Berry
$175.00 ball & burlapThe fruit is in clusters of purple berries that cover the branches in the fall. Hard pruning tends to promote shrub compactness and good flowering. Our plants are pruned to 6″ in late winter. Showy fall display of lilac-violet fruit
Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ – European Hornbeam
$370.00 in groundFine landscape tree good for screening. trunk has smooth, gray bark, looking like muscles. Sometimes call “the muscle tree.” No serious insect disease problems. Caliper 2″-3″, height 8′ $290 b&b. Caliper 4″ – 5″; height 12′-14′ $350 in ground
Carpinus caroliniana ‘Wisconsin Red’ – American hornbeam
$75.00 ball & burlap -
Chionanthus virginicus – White Fringe Tree
$350.00 ball and burlapA native plant.Good white flower on previous year’s growth, dark green leaves and black berries much loved by birds and wildlife. Comes in male and female tho both will flower. Multi stemmed.
height 8′ – 10′ -
Cladrastis lutea – American Yellow Wood
$400.00 in groundJune flowers. Showy white panicles. yellow fall color. caliper 4″ – 5″; height 10′ – 12′ In ground
Cornus (Rutban) P.P. 7205 ‘Aurora’
$375.00 in groundA Florida-kousa cross adding the better traits of both plants. Erect in habit, uniform grower, large creamy white flowers and good fall color. Attractive shades of purple in autumn.
Cornus florida ‘Appalachian Spring’
$380.00 ball & burlap -
Cornus kousa ‘Mandarin Jewel’
$350.00 ball and burlapDark green leaves, large white flowers. Orange fruit. Only a few plants. caliper 3″ – 4″; height 8′ – 10′
Cornus kousa ‘Satomi’ – Kousa Dogwood
$390.00 in ground -
Cornus kousa ‘Scarlet Fire’
$265.00 ball & burlapFuschsia-colored, star-shaped bracts. Low maintenance. caliper 2″; height 7′
Cornus kousa ‘Snow Tower’
$250.00 ball & burlapSturdy dogwood. Upright growth. Well suited for small area, easy to mow under. caliper 2″; height 6′ – 7′